Ice Hockey Rink

In the inaugural season of 2018-2019, Ice Hockey made its debut in the country under the auspices of the Winter Sports Federation Pakistan. This marked a significant milestone in the realm of winter sports within the nation. With a keen focus on fostering the physical and mental well-being of Pakistani youth, the Federation embarked on organizing competitive Ice Hockey tournaments at the national level. Through concerted efforts and unwavering dedication to the cause, the Winter Sports Federation Pakistan diligently worked towards the promotion and development of Ice Hockey as a sport of choice. A pivotal achievement in this endeavor was the establishment of an Ice Hockey Rink conforming to international standards, thereby providing a conducive environment for players to hone their skills and compete at the highest level.

Guinness World Records

Winter Sports Federation Pakistan's dedication to promoting winter sports in the country is commendable. By continuously making efforts to encourage, develop, regulate, and control winter sports, the federation is not only fostering a culture of athleticism but also showcasing Pakistan's potential in this field on an international stage. The organization's initiative to organize International Road Marathons is a testament to its commitment to sports diplomacy and projecting a positive image of Pakistan globally. These marathons not only provide a platform for athletes to showcase their skills but also serve as a means to promote tourism and cultural exchange. The milestone achievement of conducting the World's Highest Altitude Marathon at Khunjerab Pass in September 2019 is a remarkable feat. This event not only demonstrated Pakistan's capability to host international sporting events but also highlighted the country's breathtaking natural landscapes. The recognition by the Guinness World Record for this accomplishment is a testament to Winter Sports Federation Pakistan's innovation and determination in pushing the boundaries of sports excellence. Through its endeavors, Winter Sports Federation Pakistan is not only enriching the sporting landscape of the country but also contributing to its soft power and international reputation. Such initiatives inspire the youth, promote healthy lifestyles, and foster national pride.